may, 2022

21may(may 21)1:00 pm22(may 22)3:00 pmPaper Mâché Self-Portraits! A 2-Day Workshop with Exhibiting Artist Taylor Lee Nicolson


Event Details

Date: Saturday-Sunday, May 21-22, 2022
Time: 1:00-3:00pm
Teaching Artist: Redux Exhibiting Artist Taylor Lee Nicholson
Age: 16+
Cost: $185 Redux Member / $230 NonMember JOIN NOW!!!


Join us and Redux’s current exhibiting artist Taylor Lee Nicholson to create a surreal paper mache self portrait!


We’ll be using lowbrow materials to create your likeness in the form of a paper mache head that you can use in Zoom meetings, a car companion, a way to trick your parents into thinking you’re home before curfew, to join you for movie night when your friends flake, and many more extraordinary uses!


All materials provided.
No experience necessary

Great class for teens and adults!


*Pick up your artwork from Redux the following week! 



21 (Saturday) 1:00 pm - 22 (Sunday) 3:00 pm