Creative Corridors: The Annual Studio Artist Exhibition
Exhibit dates: June 1 – July 13, 2019
Opening reception: May 31, 2019; 5 PM
Artist Talk: TBA
Location: Main Gallery
The Annual Studio Artist Exhibition is an opportunity for Redux resident artists to showcase a sample of their work, in relation to a theme, in a group exhibition setting. This year, Redux artists were asked to consider the community structure and interconnectivity of working out of Redux, as well as the dynamic nature of being a part of the greater creative community in Charleston, and to submit work which demonstrates how their work is influenced their immediate surroundings. Through various approaches, the selected works portray individualistic elements of community, Charleston, and Redux Contemporary Art Center.
Exhibiting artists include Susan Altman, Marie Carladous, Megan Collier-Bansil, Julia Deckman, Matthew Doszkocs, Marina Dunbar, Katherine Dunlap, Taylor Faulkner, Kevin Foltz, Affra Gibbs, Kirsten Hoving, Alice Keeney, Katie Libby, Mia Loia, Lunch + Recess, Gret Mackintosh, Barbara Montgomery, Karen Ann Myers, Colin Peterson, Mark Stetler, Jane Ann Sweeny, Bri Wenke and Karen Vournakis.