JULY 21 - 27, 2024 | KARI WALTZ

WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Are you looking forward to traveling somewhere soon? Do you want to be creative along the way? Are you limited in what you can carry? 

Kari will share techniques to sketch, paint, and document your adventures using maps, diagrams, and templates. Your medium is your choice, but she will be demonstrating in gouache and watercolor.. 

You will not only learn some watercolor and gouache techniques, but ways to simplify the scene, and capture the memory of your experience. All levels are welcome, but some drawing skills will make it easier. She will show you digital apps that can help you trace if needed. Kari has been a teacher since 1984 and teaching art since 2003. She is excited to share her passion with you.  

PRICE $940 | Redux members $890

*above price includes workshop tuition + accommodation + meals


Questions about payment, material costs, lab fees, cancellations and refunds? VISIT HERE

Kari Waltz is a versatile artist who works in many mediums, and she is drawn to nature and often works from plein air, while on location, or her own photographs. She has been journaling since 2016 and has found it to be therapeutic escape when traveling. Waltz grew up in Texas and New Mexico and taught in the Texas and Georgia public school system for 30 years. She has complete portrait work for Bernice King (Martin Luther King Jr.’s daughter), The Atlanta Hawks Foundation, and Mercer University and recently place first in the Quick Draw Forgotten Coast’s en Plein Air virtual competition. Some of the instructors she has studied under are: Nancie King Mertz, Albert Handell, Karen Margulis, Marsha Savage, Camille Przewodek, Helen Kleczynski, Rita Kirkman, Greg Barnes, and Bob Nulf. She strives to improve her craft so she can share her best with students.

****All classes have limited spots available as class sizes are limited and available on a first-come basis.****

Registration will open on March 13th, 2024 at noon. Once your register for a workshop, you will receive an individual email from Redux confirming your registration the day of or the next business day. Registration closes June 14th, 2024 for Summer Sessions.  If a class is full when you register, you will be notified by email that your name has been added to the Waitlist should a spot become available.