Nancy Perry
MEDIUM: Painting
Nancy Perry has painted for many years, studying at Anderson College and the Greenville Museum, and with several well-known artists. Inspired by nature, she painted in an impressionistic style. Several years ago she followed a path toward abstraction and has painted in that style for the past few years.
She has won many awards in Juried shows and has had several one-person and small-group shows.
Over the past few years her biography includes 2015: Anderson Art Center – three woman show; 2016: Clemson Arts Center- two-woman show, Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series, Atlanta; 2017: Anderson Art Center Juried Show, Spoleto Juried Art Show; 2018: Global Art Project, Anderson Art Center Juried Show, Beaufort, SC Inside/Out Women in Art, North Charleston Inside/Out Women in Art
2019: Anderson Art Center Juried Show, Anderson Art Center Inside/Out Women in Art, Spoleto Juried Show
Among highlights of her painting history was being included in publications including The Art of Layering: Making Connections by the Society of Layerists in Multi-Media, The New Creative Artist by Nita Leland, Expressive Drawing by Steven Aimone, and A Walk into Abstracts by Sue St. John.
Artist Statement
After following an irresistible urge to learn about abstract art, I found that abstraction fulfills what I have always been trying to portray with my artwork. An intuitive painter who lets the painting lead the way, I now combine many media and have found a new love for collage. The feeling of a place or time is what I am aiming for. Combining disparate elements into a harmonious outcome is truly expressive of my beliefs about life itself. I continue working with a painting until something meaningful to me emerges, occasionally accepting the chaos instead of searching for harmony.