Adoni Design
Artist Statement: It first started in a southern heat filled garage, with a hand me down grinder, glass cutter, clippers and whatever free glass we could get our hands on. This is where we found our love for stained glass. The idea of making something so beautiful for the home that traditionally is admired in church windows and historical buildings is really what fed our passion.
Stained glass gives personality to light. We continue to challenge the idea of traditional stained glass and transform it into what we want it to become; a more modern, minimal approached for everyone to enjoy.
David learned how to do stained glass from his dad about 10 years ago. “There is something about making glass that stirs the passion in my heart. I can’t really explain why I like it so much, I just do, and that’s enough for me.” He started making glass pieces for family and friends as gifts. Any chance he got he would make something just so he could give it away. He kept getting the same comment “This is really good you should sell it!” Fast forward 10 years and he is as passionate as ever about making beautiful pieces of art.
H’Rosalyn been working with glass for about 8 years now. She first learned the art from David when they first started dating. He has taught her everything she knows today! She is continually learning from him to better improve her skills. “Now that we are married it’s exciting to see how we have evolved from when we first started to where we are now!.” With that being said, she is more of the behind the scenes kind of gal. She mainly handles all the technical things such as pictures, editing, advertising, social media, and the website.